On December 8th, MIT Sloan School of Management premiered their latest installment of the MIT Sloan Expert Series: ‘Human-Centered AI’: How can the technology industry fight bias in machines and people? CRMG produced this video, which included remote recording from our control room using VMix call and editing the final product together. 

The show is hosted by Rebecca Knight, and features Renée Richardson Gosline, Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and a Principal Research Scientist at MIT’s Initiative on The Digital Economy. 

She is joined by two experts in the field: Cathy O’Neil from ORCAA, author of Weapons of Math Destruction and Kathy Baxter,  Principal Architect of The Ethical AI Practice at Salesforce. They discuss the biases inherent in AI technology, how companies can mitigate them, and the ways AI tech plays a role in the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Check out the full episode here: 


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