Ascendants, a film produced by Charles River Media Group, premiered at the Hollyshorts Film Festival in Hollywood, California. The film was shown at the TCL Chinese Theater (formerly the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and Mann’s Chinese Theatre) on Hollywood Boulevard. The film’s Writer/Director/Composer was CRMG founder, Don Schechter and was produced by CRMG Assistant Director Cody Signore. Nadia de Lemeny was a producer along with Don and Cody. The Director of Photography was Tom Fitzgerald and the Art Directors were Judith Prescott and Trevor Chamberlain. Check out the trailer below the images!
The Filmmakers line up.
Don on the
Red Carpet
Don and Rachel
Actor/Director Matthew Modine showed his films.
Former CRMG Interns with Don!
Here’s the trailer:
iPhone Pictures Below: The Hollyshorts Announcement on Hollywood Boulevard, The Ascendants Trailer playing in the theater (seen from the back of the theater), The Trailer playing in the lobby, and 3 former CRMG interns and 2 supporters with Don Schechter at the premiere.