Live Streaming and Video Production for eClinicalWorks National Conference

“More than 150,000 doctors and nurse practitioners and 850,000 medical professionals worldwide rely upon eClinicalWorks to help them deliver quality care and industry-leading Practice Management solutions.” (eClinicalWorks) Since 2019, Charles River Media Group has partnered with eClinicalWorks to provide video production, post production, and live streaming services for various projects, including their annual conference. The 2022 conference took place at the Orlando World Center Marriott over 3 days and consisted of a keynote address from their CEO, live talk shows and podcasts, product showcases, breakout sessions, and much more. Some of the experiences CRMG supported include those detailed below.

Pre-Note to the Keynote

The “Pre-Note to the Keynote” is a live talk show (complete with house band) that takes place prior to the opening keynote of the conference. Utilizing two stages setup in the hallway outside the main ballroom, we provided full-service technical production to produce a live program that was broadcast globally via Microsoft Teams Live and also projected onto screens in the ballroom for attendees to watch. CRMG provided a director, who worked with eClinicalWorks to develop the show flow, spearhead rehearsals, and direct the live show, as well as a full broadcast team including camera operators, audio engineers, graphics operators, and a stream engineer. 

The show’s multiple segments included live music, an overview of upcoming events at the conference, revealed through several games amongst the hosts, and sit-down interviews with key providers. One segment, inspired by Hot Ones, involved one host interviewing a Product Specialist about new features while sampling spicy buffalo wings. 


As the houseband played us out of the pre-note, the keynote started up in the main ballroom. We provide live stream engineering services in collaboration with eClinicalWork’s production partners to record and broadcast the keynote online. CRMG edited and packaged the Keynote into digestible modules for distribution following the conference. 

Making the Rounds

Leading up to the start of the conference and throughout each day, CRMG had a roaming camera team following an eClinicalWorks host around to capture the conference experience for a daily recap program called, “Making the Rounds.” The host conducted interviews with attendees and highlighted events at the conferences. Our on-site editor continuously received footage from our camera crews throughout the day, working efficiently to complete the final recap videos, incorporating client feedback, by the end of each day. These videos were then shared the same evening via email with all the conference attendees.


Over the course of the conference, CRMG recorded six podcasts in front of a live audience. A host interviewed guests about how they integrate eClinicalWorks products into their practice. We captured the discussion with three cameras and produced a live-switched feed to save time in post production so the podcasts could be released on YouTube that same day.

Behind the Scenes Video

Clips showcasing the production crew for the "Pre-Note to the Keynote," a peek into the ballroom where the Pre-Note aired on large projection screens, and a look at our roaming camera crew capturing "Making the Rounds" in a speeding glass elevator.

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